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Audience Impressions

Got a bunch of goodies to listen to today: Meadowlark Audio Kestrel speakers, Nordost Black Knight and Solar Wind interconnects, and Roy bought a pair of Nordost Flatline speaker cable.

The Kestrels sound great, especially compared to the Paradigms that Roy had. He's thinking about buying them, but wants to hear the Dynaudio Audience 62 before he makes the final decision. I was going to audition the Black Knights and the Solar Winds for use as Pre/Pro to Power Amp connectors, but my Parasound HCA-806A appears to be having some problems so I'm pretty concerned about it. In the meantime, we'll "make do" with Roy's Arcam AVR100 and test the interconnects between Mike's CD62 and the AVR100.

That's the report for today. Happy listening.