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Drivers Ed

I prefer to drive at night.

Not just 8 or 9 PM. But more like 2, 3, 4, 5 AM. Why?

Because there are far fewer people driving during those hours. I'll take my chances with reduced visibility any day if it means I don't have to be on the road at the same time as:

  • Soccer mom on cell phone driving while also managing fight between kids in back seat
  • Drivers Ed first timers
  • People in a hurry to get to their dead-end loser jobs
  • Emotionally distraught just-broke-up-with-boy/girl-friend idiot
  • People in a hurry to get home from their dead-end loser jobs
  • People eating in the car
  • People doing their nails in their car
  • People watching TV in their car
  • Idiots
  • People driving SUVs who can't handle them
  • People driving 320hp race cars who can't handle them
  • Idiots
  • Lexus drivers
  • Idiots

People, when you are driving, DRIVE. Period.
Man. And you wonder why I prefer to fly. Criminy.


Criminy? Who talks like that?

Wouldn't that be more appropriate if he said "you'll rue the day"?

Yeah, well. You take what you can get.

I love driving. Any time of day. Except rush hours--oh those lovely New York rush hours, those were the only things that could make me regret not having a slushbox.

I'd much rather be out on the open road doing my traveling than flying, tell the truth. On the road, I've got my personal space and I've got my tunes. Sometimes, I'd be on good stretches of interstate where not a soul would pass me for many miles.

'Bout the only thing that'll make me mad is slowpokes in the passing lane.

I love driving.

Of course, by driving then you risk running into people like me who are totally night-blind and are crawling our way down the road at about Mach .0000001 ... but if that's okay with you, night-driving is GREAT.

I don't like driving at night. I suppose I'm an aggressive driver, and passing people brings me immense pleasure.

What I *do* like to do is WORK at night. It's beautiful when the sky outside my window is dark, everybody has gone home and the office is completely silent except for the clicking of my keys, the shuffling of my papers and the squeaky wheels of my chair across the floor. No distractions, things tend to get done faster.