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A Pox on Thee

Oh yeah. I've been meaning to write about this for quite some time now.

I hereby officially denounce Union Bank of California.

On July 2, I made a deposit of over $1800 at the Bellevue, WA, branch. The amount was spread over three checks, one of which was a US Treasury check made out to my parents (their tax refund), which they had signed and had instructed me to deposit as a third party check into my own account.

Over a week later, the money still hasn't shown up in my account, so I call to make some inquiries. Well, apparently, the bank's policy is not to accept third party checks. This is fine with me. They tell me that the check should be returned to me. This is also fine, even though because of my situation it would probably be delayed in the mail. More time passes and still nothing, so I call and they tell me to send a letter to request a formal inquiry. Fine. About a week after that, I receive something telling me that they have done an investigation and haven't found shit. So the matter is closed.

My ass the matter is closed! No explanation on what they did or what... So right now there's more than $1800 that has either been stolen from me by either my own bank or an employee of my bank, or lost because of negligence on their part. Unfortunately, they are utterly uncooperative. I am considering legal action, but never having been pissed enough at someone to sue their ass, I don't know how to go about doing this. Any suggestions?


Purge them! Purge like we used to do during the good old days of the Cultural Revolution!

Student Legal Services.

I am thinking that with the bank being based in CA, you would need to talk to a lawyer that is licensed to practice law in that state. Not sure of that, but there was a coworker here that was being harrased by a woman he knew in Virginia that she had his child. He needed to get a lawyer who could practice law in Virginia to get a case to order a paternity test. Turns out there never was a kid... However, the lawyer issue may or may not apply to you, but might be information you could use.