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So J works at a software company where the norm is that people waltz in at 10 AM and leave sometime after 6 or 7 PM. Certainly this is not unusual in the software industry, and in fact, it's something that I envy a lot. I am forced by corporate mandate to work a standard 8 to 5 day. I can attest that it is infinitely more painful to do the 8 to 5 than the 10 to 7. Infinitely. Think of it this way: every minute before 10 AM that I have to wake up causes an infinite amount of pain. So 180 minutes times infinite pain...

Anyway. That's not the point of this particular rant. I've learned to deal with stupid society dictating when I'm supposed to wake up. What is appalling to me is that there are people there who she is concerned see her as slacking because she works 8 to 5 instead of 10 to 7.


You fucking slackers, I say. As far as I'm concerned, you have never worked a real day in your entire life if you have not experienced the pain of waking up at 7 AM to fight through ass crap traffic, and then having to fight the idiots again on the way home. So here's someone who actually chooses to work real hours and how on earth can you possibly have to gall to think that you have the moral high ground? Must be Republican. Ah, right. Fuckers.