Resolutions Revisited
Now that we’re halfway through 2005, it’s time to revisit the resolutions I made back in January and check on the progress. I can’t believe that half the year is gone, but man, looking back, I’ve come a long way and there have been a lot of accomplishments and changes...
Summit Mt. Rainier. Not yet, but I am trying to do a 2000 ft. ascent every week for training. Watching my nutrition better. Yes, I’ve been eating pretty well and in general have no complaints here. Getting into the same shape I was in during soccer season in high school. I’m in better shape, I think, than I’ve been since college, but not quite high school. Still working on that. Learning how to not die on a mountain. Not yet.
Play a lot of volleyball. Check.
Play a lot of soccer. Check.
Keep getting out more. I think I’ve been doing okay on this, but there’s probably room for improvement. Building Friendships. Yes, one in particular, but I should probably endeavor to build some relationships outside of that one like ones at work, and just other friends who are in the area who I don’t hang out with regularly.
Continue the Resistance. I’ve been grossly negligent on this. I haven’t even blogged about political and social issues lately. But there has been a lot of negative movement in the direction our country and our world is going, and I need to redouble my effort here.
Not be so averse to dating. Check.
Rediscover my love of photography. Check. I got the Nikon D70 back in January, and have taken it on a number of trips and have shot a variety of subjects. I think a huge catalyst for this was J, because she’s such a good sport about me turning her into a supermodel.
Nurture my love of music. At the behest of friends, I’ve gone to a few good live music shows, and of course attended a couple of recitals and symphony performances as well. I’m still pretty averse to actually buying music but I have picked up a few titles recently, mostly salsa music to dance to. Make music again regularly. Well, this has been pretty bad. I should get around to this. Karaoke all night. This, at least, is a check. A very big check.
Travel. Check. At mid-year, I am at 59,987 Premier qualifying miles. That’s all I need to say. Visit old friends. Well, I’ve been doing a little bit of this, but not as much as I should. Had a good “ski” trip back in March with an old friend, and of course hit up Italy to visit the N with the J, which was a lot of fun. I’ve also been splitting some trips to visit family and J’s friends and family, and it’ll continue to be like this the rest of the year.
Hang Glide. Shute. Grossly negligent, again. Achieve my Hang 3 rating this year. This won’t happen unless I get off my arse now.
Keep playing poker for fun and profit. Check. I did take the month of May off to blow off some steam, but I’m back baby.
Host more parties. I’m going to check this even though I haven’t actually had a party at my own place since January. I have, however, been responsible for at least part of the planning for a number of parties since then, probably about once a month or so, in fact.
So in general, I’d have to say things are very good right now. Certainly not perfect in terms of meeting all my resolutions, but hey, there’s still a whole other half of the year left.
You know, when I was in Shanghai last week I Googled for some open gyms to play volleyball in (unsuccessfully--too many badminton players). But your pages were consistently in the top of the results.
Posted by: Jen Davis-Wilson | July 1, 2005 7:38 PM
That's too bad, I might have been able to help you there. I was able to find an open gym at some point, though I ended up only going once because it was in Pudong and required waking up ridiculously early on a Saturday...
Posted by: jet
July 2, 2005 12:21 AM