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Kerry Spam

Okay, so I registered my support of John Kerry as the de facto Democratic presidential candidate a while back. I even sent him some money.

Since then, I've received at least one piece of e-mail from the Kerry campaign every single day, asking for more money. Hey, I'm all for defeating Bush and all, but this is getting out of hand. I don't even read them anymore, and I'm about one step away from blacklisting mail from the campaign as spam.

Once or twice a week, hey, I'm cool with that. Updates on major developments, great. Summary of the week's events, no problem. But not every day. I'm not a zealot, and though I believe in this cause tremendously, I believe these daily e-mails are becoming noise instead of a meaningful message. Wake up, Kerry campaigners... before you alienate anyone just because you annoyed them with spam.

PGP Signed Entry


I'm about ready to swear off having anything to do with anyone who sends me spam. Gah!