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The Houston Oiler

Dear President Bush:

As oil prices rise to levels not seen since the last time American soldiers occupied a middle-Eastern land, why have you stood by flaccidly?

During times of similar attempts by the oil barons, foreign and domestic, to take advantage of the American people, President Clinton made what I would consider minimal attempts at trying to placate the public and show at least marginal interest in making a symbolic gesture to alleviate the situation.

Releasing oil from the strategic national reserves was a small consolation indeed, with little direct influence. However, it was a gesture that did not go unnoticed. Like the pebble in the pond, a small gesture (especially one made by the President of the United States) can have widespread effects, something I'm sure your economic advisers have informed you of. You, on the other hand, have done nothing.

If anything, your lack of action as oil encroaches upon $40 per barrel is silent confirmation of your lack of concern and/or awareness of the issues affecting the people you claim to represent. Is this because your true representation is for your friends, foreign and domestic, who happen to be oil barrons? Was that the plan all along?

And then you have the gall of asking me for another $50 billion to fight this war. Let's see, in addition to the $87 billion I already gave you last year, that's about $137 billion. And remember, I'm onto where this money goes. I am not going to give you and your arrogant friends my money and the future of the country. The destructive fiscal irresponsibility you have demonstrated will take decades to overcome. And that's if and only if we get you out of office this November.

If only you would just confess and say the truth: you have only the best interests of rich oil barrons and war-mongering bigots in mind. Then at the very least I could respect you for your honesty. But alas, you have squandered even that measure of respect. What a shame. To yourself and our country.


PGP Signed Entry


Oh, excuse me, I seem to have chosen my words poorly. In regards to the $87 billion last year, I should have said "you forcefully took without my consent" rather than "I already gave you."