These are Days
Honestly, I do not recall a time in my life when I was as happy as I am now.
Despite all the problems in the world, and the fact that I feel we are engaged in an election this year which will determine whether the world is destroyed in the next half-century (Cheney/Bush) or whether we usher in the first steps toward a peaceful, prosperous, participatory world (Kerry/Anybody but Bush), I am happy and hopeful.
Through the past year's process of simplification, I've reached a point where I have everything I need, and aren't tempted by many material persuits. I've been doing a great deal of reading, which is a wonderful return to a pastime I've long neglected. I have gotten back into music, but not popular music, which I continue to believe has outlived its appeal, but classical music. I am proof that the record labels' loss of revenue is not because people are pirating the music, but because they aren't putting out anything worth buying. Since I got back into classical, I've spent quite a bit of money on music. Until then, I had purchased maybe two albums in the past year. The vast, vast majority of people are honest people who just want to know that their money is going into something that is worth what they're paying for it. They're just voting with their dollars. It's capitalism at work, and if the record execs were true capitalists they'd change their ways. But they're not, they're greedy oligarchs with connections that they're trying to pull instead of taking the hard road: lower the prices and change their sadly outdated business model. Heh, but enough bashing on the record industry. That's not even what this entry is about... it just gives me so much pleasure to stoke that fire.
I'm enjoying new restaurants, travel, and the wonder of new people all over again. I'm writing again! I mean, when was the last time I wrote on a regular basis? High school! But the past year I've gradually gotten myself into it more and more, and now I'm part of a little group of amateur writers who write weekly and critique each others' works. It's great.
I've been patronizing mom and pop shops. I go out of my way to buy organic groceries. I recycle. When I drive, I aim to maximize three things: fuel economy, time efficiency, and safety, and in a car that is EPA rated at 23/29, I average 28.4 miles per gallon (over the past 4000 miles). And I'm proud of it, and so is my wallet.
I'm healthy... just had my dental checkup and no cavities (though I need to change my floss technique to address some sensitive gums). I'm wealthy, at least enough to bring me happiness.
And probably most importantly, I am happy with who am I right now. With what I'm doing right now. With where am I right now. I don't have to look at the horizon and wish for anything. I don't have to wish I was somewhere else. I don't have to think there's something more I need to do or be.
It's just life. And I'm living it. And loving it. These are the days.
Hey, you like Thermis, why not vote me and Mike some of those dollars. :)
Posted by: vince | April 27, 2004 5:57 AM