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Goodbye, Moto...

...and thank you, for three years of continuous faithful service.

I retired my Motorola Timeport yesterday, after 26,105 minutes of talk time. That's 435 hours and five minutes I've spent on that phone since 2001. In this age of free/very cheap phones and constant innovation, it was second only to my Handspring Visor for "hi-tech" gizmo longevity among my stuff. For example, I've had four computers in that same span of time (two still current, of course), three cars (one current), and heck, even two rice cookers!

Yesterday, in one fell swoop, I replaced them both with one package that is sleeker and smaller than either one before. Yup, picked up the Samsung i500 Palm-powered smartphone yesterday.

This is my first non-Motorola mobile phone, so I feel a little bad for dissin' Moto. But the combination of Palm (which literally runs my professional life) and the phone was absolutely irresistable. Having my palm with me all the time opens up a lot of possibilities, and I'm excited. So far, everything's lived up to expectation (and at $400 after rebate, you better believe those expectations are in the stratosphere).

PGP Signed Entry


So why the Samsung over the Treo? Was it the clamshell or other features?