You've been Favred
I've been a Chicago Bears fan my whole life. So it's been with some disdain that I have watched the meteoric career of Brett Favre over the past decade or so. Every time the Packers meet the Bears, I wish he'd call in sick or something. He's the kind of player that you want to hate, but you can't, because he commands respect. In that way, he's in a class with players like Walter Payton.
Yesterday night's performance was just another example of the consummate professionalism of this man. Passing for 399 yards and 4 TDs just a day after losing his father suddenly is an amazing performance, but it's more than the way he played on the field. You'd better believe that if you were a Packer in that locker room before the game, you swore to yourself that you'd give it everything that night. That's the difference one man can make to his team... a truly great player never does it alone, and Brett Favre has the respect and admiration of not only fans, but coaches and players. He inspires others to be better than they thought they could be.
Brett Favre, I may still jeer at your when the Packers play the Bears, but you've earned my respect. Peace.