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Dean/Gore '04

What would be so wrong about a Dean/Gore ticket in 2004?

Al Gore was, and is, a great pragmatist. He has years of experirence in Washington, and would be the perfect bridge-builder to bring Howard Dean's vision together with the mechanics of Washington and international politics.

The question is, will a man so battle-weary and arguably wronged be able to overcome and rise to the occasion if and when asked to serve again?

At the very least, as vince put it, he would make a good secretary of state.

The whole point, though, is that we've wasted the many and wonderful talents of this man for the past four years. It was an understandable break... wouldn't you have wanted to remove yourself from politics after enduring that firestorm? But now is the time to bring Al Gore back into politics, and in a big way.

I voted for him in 2000. On a ticket with Dean, I'd vote for him again today.

PGP Signed Entry