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A Glimmer of Hope

Just caught word of Magnatune, a record label for the new reality. They are not affiliated with the evil RIAA, and they have what I believe is not only a good business model, but a fair deal for the artists and a respect for the consumer that is so blatently lacking in the greater music industry.

Basically, they operate on a "shareware" model, where you can download and try out the music for free. If you like it, you can buy an album for five bucks. The artists receive 50% of the price you pay, which is a fair deal to me when you consider the cost of marketing and logistics of producing the music. As they are so eager to express, they are "not evil."

Give them a look. Let's support these kinds of efforts as consumers and artists. Together, as I've said for a long time now, we can change the industry and the world. We have the power to remove tyrants and bring about a new order. This is one step in the right direction. Let's support it, and encourage others and take more steps.

PGP Signed Entry