The Resurrection
So my brother was talking to me about some piece of electronics he was working on "pulling a Jesus," meaning that it had stopped working only to inexplicably revived itself miraculously.
A couple of rather major things of mine miraculously returned to life over the past couple of weeks. The big one is my car, which for the past month has sat idle in my garage, the object of many a curse from my foul mouth. I'd begun to wish that someone would come along and steal it so I could claim the insurance and buy a PowerBook instead, among other things. But then tonight, as Egon Spengler is my witness, my car not only started, but drove around the block a couple of times with no problems. Now I have to decide if I want to take it into Ford for them to charge me a hundred bucks to declare that there's nothing wrong with it. I mean, that was the reason I bought the iPod in the first place, you know... I was like, "Screw Ford - why should those bastards get more of my money to fix a car that I've totally babied for all 23,000 miles of its life? I'll give that money to Apple instead in protest!"
The other thing that come back to life was my sweet Parasound power amp. It's been crackling and cutting out for the last couple of years, probably because of some pot wearing out, but then a couple of weeks ago I hooked it back up with the iPod just for the helluvit, and sure enough, it crackled and cut out, but for some reason (probably forgetfulness) I left it on overnight, and the next day it sounded as good as ever. The theory here is that the warmth has mitigated whatever contact was going bad, and as long as I keep the thing on all the time, it seems to work fine. I've got it back out on the main system now, with my Acurus ACT on pre/pro duty, my roommate's Arcam Alpha 10 driving the fronts, and the Parasound driving the center and rears. Mmmmmm.
So there. Patience and hopeless hoarding of junk pays off after all.
It's terrible. Our government is doing nothing about SARS. The economy is in ruins and the world shuns China.
But the most important: CHINA HAS LOST THE FACE!
I think president Hu Jintao is to blame for this. He is incompetent and currupt burocrat, who cares more about his welfare than China.
Hu should resign and pave the way for the new democratically-elected government who will be able to confront SARS more effectively.
Premier Wen Jiabao also must go. He is a disgrace for our country.
People of China should understand that parties and government come and go, but China will last forever.
The government is only a servant of the people.
If a government behaves badly and mismanages the country, the people of China have the right to dismiss a bad servant and appoint another in his place.
The Communist Party has forgotten that the people are the only master of China, not the Politburo.
Long live China and the People of China!
Posted by: Jian Shuo Wang | May 5, 2003 7:27 AM
Um. . .huh?
Posted by: worm | May 6, 2003 5:37 PM
Jet, may you please help me to delete entry above under my name (and this entry too to keep your board clean)? Some one has impersonated me and post such comments to many blogs. Thanks.
Posted by: Jian Shuo Wang | July 22, 2003 7:43 AM