I don't really watch too much television. In fact, I don't have cable or satellite or digital super-duper whatever TV. This is not to say that I don't believe there are entertaining programs out there. I simply don't miss it at all when I don't watch it.
However, recently, I think I actually go out of my way to not watch television. I couldn't put my finger on exactly why until a few days ago. See, much like the vast majority of parties leaving me in a state of utter contempt and hatred for all humanity, watching TV has caused the same relative effect. And I figured out why a few days ago. It's the "reality shows."
Even if I'm not watching one, I have to be constantly bombarded at every moment by advertising for one. The fact that they are so popular is making me lapse into the negativitiy and pretty soon I'll be thinking that there's no hope after all for humanity. I'm not even going to dignify these shows with reasons why they leave me completely disgusted, demoralized, and disenfranchised. Argh.