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On Privacy

Excerpted from my latest Contact page:

My Privacy Policy

I just wanted to say a little something here about respecting reach others' privacy.  I am a staunch believer in privacy.  I will never give your contact information to anyone without your permission, period.  If someone wishes to contact you, then I will tell them to give me their contact information to pass along to you.  That way, you can establish contact with the third party on your terms, or not at all, if you wish.

Now that may seem rather obvious, but when I say I will never give your contact information to anyone without your permission, period, I mean, PERIOD.  This includes:

  • I will never send an e-mail to more than one person at a time without putting all recipients as bcc (blind carbon copy).  This means none of the recipients see each others' addresses.  Exception:  if I know that all recipients already have each others' info.
  • I will never send a chain-letter to you.  All of these are scams, and many of them are a veiled means for spammers to get more e-mail addresses.  I cannot tell you how absolutely angry and horrified I am when I receive a chain e-mail because I know that EVERY PERSON that the message now gets forwarded to will have my e-mail address.  STOP THIS NONSENSE.
  • I will never enter your e-mail address on a web form.  Period.  This includes web surveys, E-vites, etc.  I do not use the services of websites that require me to compromise your privacy.  If you absolutely must put my address into a web form, I ask you to use the public address described above, and to tell me that you did so (preferably to ask me for permission first, actually).
  • I will never display your e-mail address on a web page.  Period.

I ask you to do the same, and to put some thought into privacy and its importance in your life before taking action that might compromise it.  Our privacy rests in each others' hands.  It is only through our eternal vigilance that we will be able to protect it.  It is a responsibility I am all too aware of, and I hope that you will remember that whether you want this responsibility or not, it is in your hands.  Thanks.

PGP Signed Entry