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Volleyball in the Winter

After a much needed hiatus for the holidays, I got back into regular exercise this week. On Saturday, braved the chill and the rain to do a short hike with J, who just recently moved out here. A short part of the hike was through icy snow, which was pretty frustrating and a bit precarious on the steeper grades. Lots of little steps. It was pretty rewarding, though, and a great time.

Which is good, because the next day I was paying the price. I probably should have put on the hat that I'd brought with me, but hindsight is 20/20... ended up coming down with a cold that I've been fighting off for the past couple of days. I'm finally past the worst part, now it's just stuffy nose, coughing, and sore throat. This caused me to miss soccer on Sunday, which is a shame. Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking agreeing to an outdoor soccer league in the winter.

Anyway, tonight, I resumed the volleyball too, after not having played for a good 5 weeks. It took me a while to remember how to pass, serve, and hit, let alone where I was supposed to be and what was going on. I felt pretty lost for a good ten minutes before it started coming back. Hahaha. But it did, and I had a great time. It also felt good to get out of the house and do something active after being under arrest by this cold for the past 3 days.

As part of the get in shape plan, I'm probably going to play soccer every Sunday, volleyball on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, take Thursday and Friday off, and hike on Saturdays. At least until the weather gets nice enough to play volleyball on the beach again. Then, I'll have to adjust this whole thing again. But by then the days will be long enough to hike after work during the week, so it should be a good switcheroo.

Well. I'll get in shape yet!

PGP Signed Entry