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12 is the new 11

Although I didn't think the storyline was quite as captivating as the original (well, original non-Rat Pack one, anyway) I had a ball watching Ocean's 12 yesterday night.

If nothing else, it was a string of "oh, I've been there!" or, in the case of the Amsterdam scenes, "oh, I was just there a week ago!" I found this to be quite amusing, and there were clearly several scenes that were stuck into the movie solely to get a rise of people who'd been to those places before... the driving scenes around Lake Como, the gridlock scene in Rome, the coffee shop/hash bar scene in Amsterdam...

The only thing I found a little strange was that the train that the egg leaves Paris on was said to have left from Gare du Nord, which does not service trains to Italy, as far as I know. Not that I'm one of those people that goes through movies with a fine tooth comb looking for this sort of thing, but this one kind of just stood out at me.

Anyway, all in all, a fun ride whether you've been to all the wonderful shoot locations or not.

PGP Signed Entry


I caught the Gare du Nord thing, too. It's been several years since I've been to Paris, but I remember Gare du Nord looking very different from that station.

But the Amsterdam scenes were very nice. I always see footage or pictures of Amsterdam and wonder to myself why it is that I'm not living there. Magical, magical city... and not just because of the pot.