Shaft 2
Today's entry is about the vitally important topic of Halo 2. I might write a more complete review later, but for now, I'm just writing to complain about one thing.
They got rid of the badges! Yeah, I'm talking about those seemingly trivial little badges of honor that showed you how awesome you were because you'd completed the game in normal, heroic, and legendary. Those badges that permitted you to say, "yeah, I'm fully certified."
Now it's lame and they just tell you what the highest level you've completed is. WEAK!
Do they still have the never ending, endlessly repeating texture library that you have to go through twice with an annoying flying lightbulb?
That was my favorite part of the first one.
Posted by: vince | November 14, 2004 1:22 AM
My biggest complaint is no live/system link coop.
Posted by: haglund | November 14, 2004 3:59 PM