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Volleyball and Sand

There is just something absolutely satisfying about playing a good day's worth of beach volleyball. Before last month, it had been a good year since I'd played volleyball period, and many years actually since I'd played on the beach. So it is with some pride and satisfaction that I've watched the progress my new partner, Goosh, and I, have made in these last few weeks.

Goosh hasn't really ever played organized volleyball, and while I wouldn't call what we're doing at the beach "organized" it is a far cry from the casual backyard game. We are still in the phase where mistakes are being made, but also being learned from quickly. We've gone from just barely being able to bump, set, and spike consistently to actually working out some net/defensive strategy and we're coming along with the hitting.

What kind of annoys me is that my passing has really suffered from the time off. I wasn't ultra-consistent before, but I was certainly able to do a better job of it than I have been the last few weeks. It's probably the most lacking part of my game right now, which is a shame, because I know it's costing us points. It's the details that count, and passing is probably the least "glamorous" but most important aspect of the game. Without a good pass, forget about a good set and spike.

The concern going into Autumn is that the weather is going to prevent us from playing regularly. This is pretty unfortunate, as I feel like we're just getting into a rhythm. I'm going to look into playing in a recreational indoor league, because it would be a shame for another half year to go by to lose all that we've gained in the last few weeks. Of course, we'll have to find other players and pay a fee, but it's worth it.

As Goosh said this weekend, the best part about playing at the beach is that it's free. I mean, what better way is there to meet people, hang out, have a great time, get in shape, be active, and (at least try to) look good? Plus, I've found that volleyball tears up my body way less than soccer. Not that I'll ever give up soccer, but there's a huge difference in how I feel the next day.

Anyway, all this is great, but there's nothing like watching the professionals, so this weekend while I'm in Vegas, I'm going to swing by the Hard Rock and check out the AVP tour. It's been years since the last time I was at an AVP event, but with all the hype from the Olympics it should be a good one.

PGP Signed Entry


Yay volleyball!
If you were in the SF bay area, I'd totally hook you up.