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If you have never experienced the sweet, holy, pure goodness that is the Mallomar, you have not yet lived.

The thing is, if you live outside the great city of New York, chances are, you don't even know what I'm talking about. This Nabisco product proudly proclaims on the back of the new packging, that more than 70% of Mallomars sales are generated in the shadow of the Big Apple.

Apparently, New Yorkers conspired with Nabisco to do everything possible to keep this precious secret from the rest of the country and the world. It doesn't even show up on Nabisco's designed-for-a-three-year-old's-attention-span website. It is indeed quite rare to find a box outside of Gotham. And out of the country... fuggedaboutit. I tried in vain to find them in Shanghai last year, and the closest I got was the Orion Pie. But it's just not even close.

The world should know the goodness of this treat.

PGP Signed Entry


Ah, some nice, outdated box art.

I have been wondering about mallomars for a long time now. In 'When Harry Met Sally' Harry proclaims them as possibly the greatest cookie ever and this is what left me curious.

I still have never had one, but on my travels around the net I have noticed that mallomars are chocolate covered marshmallows on a base of some description. I believe that these 'great' cookies are actually a copy of an old english favourite - Tunnock's Tea Cakes. -Other companies make them too but that is the packet I have in front of me!
It's a biscuit base with marshmallow on and covered in chocolate.

If I am right these are surely available everywhere!

Was just searching info on Mallomars and came across your web log. My first Mallomar was just a month ago. I hadn't seen them before. As you mentioned, 70% are sold around NY. Being their 100th anniversary, I guess they distributed a little wider. I hope they remain available to me. They are fantastic! Delicious! I am addicted. You know, Pinwheels by Nabisco are almost the same thing, but each cookie is larger. But, the Mallomar is the perfect blend of marshmallow, chocolate, and cookie!

mallomars are awesome. i couldn't believe my friend ben had never heard of them, or tasted one. jeez. i grew up in nyc and i never realized they're a new york thing. that's so silly. everyone should be able to enjoy mallomars.

i love how, once you've removed the plastic packaging, they sit out on the counter in a non-descript white box and it looks so unexciting and then you open the top of the box and there they are sitting in dark rows and before you know it they're all gone.

ah. the mallomar. fond memories of my father bringing boxes home on his way home from work.

Mallomars are the best. This weekend I saw them on the shelves again and called my sister and friends. They are the greatest cookie of all.
For christmas one year I got Mallomars as a xmas gift, not 1 box but 4 boxes.

It was so cool.

They changed the packaging! WTF??

Does anyone remember another Nabisco cookie similar to the Mallomar, it was two vanilla spongey cookies with a marmellow like center? Have been trying to remember the name.

the are called moon pis or marshmallow pies mary