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Good Day for the Dean Campaign

With Howard Dean's campaign picking up a lot of speed these past few days, I thought now would be a good time to remind Americans to register to vote. With the first primaries and caucuses only weeks away, this is the time to make sure you're able to vote in these very critical stages of the process.

Al Gore gave his nod to Howard Dean yesterday, and that is a huge deal. You've heard it before, but this campaign is about empowering people. To me, it represents a coming of age for the Information Age. People are educating themselves and more so than ever information is available from an unprecedented variety of sources. And this campaign proves that this information can become action. In the naescent stages of this campaign, it was word of mouth and blogs and the power of individuals coming together that gave the Dean campaign momentum. Momentum it is still building, and with information turned into action, we will be able to defeat conglomerates and special interests, no matter how powerful they think they are. Because their power comes from you and me, and we can choose not to give it to them.

Register to Vote Now.

PGP Signed Entry