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After a good twenty-four hours of thought on the matter, several dreams and nightmares influenced by The Matrix Revolutions, I have decided that I really do like this movie. Spoilers follow.

Although I wasn't particularly impressed by the story, I was very satisfied about the themes upon which the conclusion were based. In particular, I was very pleasantly surprised by the negotiated peace. Very refreshing in the world of movies which are so set on their "victory or death" endings where either the good guy or the bad guy wins through brute force or sly cunning. This movie presented a conclusion that was far more realistic in our world: peace achieved through diplomacy. Peace without the necessity of crushing one's enemies. Peace that is tenuous, certainly, at first... when the movie ends, you don't know what will happen. The cynics will say that the peace has no chance of lasting. But all peace that is achieved through diplomacy is like that. The important lesson to our world is that we don't have to destroy the other guy to achieve peace.

The second theme which may be controversial to others, but which I found heartening, was Trinity's death scene. She said some important things there. About love. About telling your loved ones how much they mean to you every day. About second chances and not counting on them. Sure, the scene was over the top and took too long, blah blah. Say what you will about it cinematically, but in terms of themes, I enjoyed it.

Not the happy fairy tale ending I thought was going to happen, but even better. A great way to end the trilogy.

PGP Signed Entry