Chicago Lament, Jet Edition
Well, it looks like there'll be no cheer for Chicago sports fans this October. I'm still getting over it, but as hope springs eternal, the loser's motto does likewise: "there's always next year."
So things weren't so hot for my horses this year... good thing I didn't put any money on these (well, okay, I put some money down on the Illini when I was in Vegas)... The Cubs didn't win the World Series. Neither did the BoSox. The US Women didn't win the World Cup. The Illini didn't make the Final Four. The Bears... suck.
Things are, pretty much, as they should be. The order of the Universe is restored. A comet will not be striking the Earth, obliterating all life as we know it. See, there's a bright side to everything.
Posted by: tony | October 18, 2003 7:35 AM
Posted by: vince | October 26, 2003 6:13 AM