Advertising Rates
My web log is a forum for my random thoughts and non-commercial, individual responses to those thoughts. This vision does not include commercial advertising, and therefore, the "comment spam" that seems to be going around the 'net these days is not welcome here.
Therefore, I have decided to publish rates for advertising on my web log. By posting a commercial advertisement to my blog, you are agreeing to these terms.
The rate for advertising is $100,000 (one hundred thousand US Dollars) per word (or partial word), per hour (or partial hour) that your advertisement is on the blog. Time is calculated from the moment the Movable Type engine accepts your post.
Even if you do not provide billing information, you authorize me, or a designated agent, to use any legal means necessary to determine your identity and billing information.
You release me from any responsibility arising from your use of the blog, including availability of your advertisement. I reserve the right to remove or alter your post at any time, without recourse to you.