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Apple announced the new lineup of PowerBooks yesterday, which was expected. The new 12" AlBook pretty much addresses the only major issue I had with mine. Specifically, it now sports a DVI output. While I'm a little jealous that I'll have to be on the sidelines as my newer brethren hook up their AlBooks to 23" Cinema Displays, it's a situation that I can deal with for the time being. Aside from a speed bump and some other, in my humble opinion, relatively minor refinements, there's not really anything that made my jaw drop or is really even making me drool in envy.

That doesn't mean I'm disappointed, mind you. It just means that Apple got things pretty darn close to right the first time around. I've been nothing but happy with my machine in the three months now that I've had it. I still have moments where I just sit back and revel in the graceful simplicity that is my computer. And I don't care that you think I'm a freaky geek now.

PGP Signed Entry