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4 Strings "Believe"

Recently picked up 4 Strings' album "Believe."

This is probably the most well rounded dance album I've heard in a long, long time. The vocals are beautiful, and the melodies are exciting and varied, built on top of a groovin' rhythm.

I happen to like floating vocals in my electronic/dance music, this album definitely has that. What do I mean by "floating?" Think "aria" on a dance beat.

It's music that feels good, and makes ya want to dance.

And, best of all, it's on Ultra, not an RIAA member label.

'nuff said.

PGP Signed Entry


Yeeeahhh, it more then a great album. :) It got really addicted to it & whenever I listen to it, it makes me happy & let's you start to shake on d dancefloor....lovely voice & vocals, a kinky rythm & beat!!!! *bigthumup*

yeah, can't get enough of it. perfect for the gym when you 'hit the wall' and go on to burn those calories. over an hour of exquisite dance/trance and female vocals...:)