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...And Just Like That, It's Over

A year worth of planning was over in little over four hours this weekend, as my classmates and I met on the 99th floor of the Sears Tower for our 10 year high school Reunion. By all accounts, the event was a great success. I lived up to the Fieldmarshal personality type, as all the planning and contingency planning paid off in a totally smooth event. I was even able to not worry about the event after a little while and just relax and catch up with people.

At the same time, though, I felt like it was just over too quickly. Ten years is a lot to go over with people, and even though some of us caught an after party, I still felt like it wasn't enough time. I guess the onus is on me to make use of some of the contact information and try to stay in touch and to try to visit and hang out whenever I'm traveling.

Anyway, I barely have any time for post-partum depression here as the next week will see me moving again and embarking on a bit of a quest. Right now I have to figure out where to put my stuff and, ideally, to pawn as much of this junk off as possible. I'll probably be posting a "garage sale" announcement at some point.

Another year, another decade, come and gone.

PGP Signed Entry


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference ...And Just Like That, It's Over:

» I need some sleep from the golden path
The reunion afterparty, 'til 5AM baby! [Read More]

» Reunion on the 99th floor from "this is my hot blog."
I had a fun time of it, and with the posher setting I think everyone approached the event more seriously... [Read More]

» Reunion on the 99th floor from "this is my hot blog."
Without doubt, I had a fun time of it, and I think that was the overwhelmingly widespread sentiment (with kudos... [Read More]


I'm still worn out from mine. *yawn*