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Actually, let me clarify something about blocking ads. As I stated in the last entry, I know that a lot of sites depend on their ad revenue. I do not block all ads carte blanche. In fact, I am pretty careful about which sites I allow to show ads.

In particular, I allow independent sites (an unscientific definition of "independent" being anything that I don't think is "The Man") to show ads. Sometimes I even follow those links... But I definitely don't need any more of the media establishment telling me what I'm supposed to like.

So the bottom line is this: I still think most ads are annoying. But I'm willing to pay the price in annoyance for certain sites. But not for others. It's a refinement of my general philosophy on the importance of researching and thinking through choices before you make them, so that you know you are supporting what you think you are supporting with your choice.

PGP Signed Entry