Just when I thought all hope was lost...
Just this weekend I'd declared to the Yuke that I wasn't going to try to make 1K on United this year because they'd taken away the two biggest reasons to do the extra 50,000 miles over just Premier Exec: the 1K lounges and Systemwide Upgrades that are actually useful to me. This year, they made the Systemwides only useable on H and above fares, which means that I'd end up paying more than double the lower fares for the upgrade. Perhaps this is a fair trade, but I didn't think it was much of a reward for my loyalty.
Apparently, someone over there was paying attention. I received four upgrade certificates today which are, as far as I can tell, equivalent to the old ones. I'll have to see if this is a trend that will continue as the airline emerges from bankruptcy. Eventually, I'd like to see the 1K lounges restored, but if the Systemwides go back to being useful, that alone may be good enough for now to keep me a 1K.