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Temperament Sorter

Got wind of this little Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test.

I've taken a bunch of these in the past, and I think they've been pretty good at characterizing me in general. I certainly don't think one should be changing their life based on a couple of multiple choice tests, but they are informative and amusing.

I was typed eNTj by this test, what Keirsey calls a fieldmarshal. Aside from the cool sounding term, it seems to be pretty close on a lot of areas. Here's another description.

Anyway, the test at least confirms the ideas vs. implementation thing I wrote about yesterday.

PGP Signed Entry


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» Myers-Briggs merry-go-round from daily babble
Jet brought up one of the online Myers-Briggs type personality indicators. I have loved these since IMSA, where we took... [Read More]


I have to say, the Healer (iNFp) profile does fit me fairly accurately.

I was pretty sold on the Myers-Briggs type indicators since we had to take them yearly at IMSA. Too bad we don't still have free access to the full, official forms…