One of the things that I've come to recognize in myself over the years is that I am an ideas person, not an implementation person. Here is a prime example...
I ordered up an iGo Juice power adapter today. It's a 70W max AC and DC input, power converter for laptops and accessories. In short, it's the ultimate power adapter for your laptop, because it allows you to power your laptop from all conceivable power sources (Airline, Car, and AC power outlets). It reduces the weight travelers have to carry with them because they only need one power brick now instead of separate bricks for AC and DC.
It is also an idea that I had years ago. I'm sure a lot of other people had this idea at some point too, maybe even people with the technical knowledge to make it happen. But so far, I've only seen one company that markets a product like it. So there's a bunch of people out there who are in the same boat as myself... for whatever reason, they didn't see their idea through.
Now, this isn't to say that I'm somehow incapable of handling details. I do happen to be pretty good at logistics and planning, but if you can imagine a spectrum where the extremes are "total ideas" and "total details" I'm definitely more on the ideas side of that spectrum.
This is one of the considerations that I'll be taking into account as I explore the next contribution I make to society. It's something that I just wasn't entirely made aware of during years of schooling, and it's something that I think people need to recognize in order to best find their contribution to society. It's one of the big reasons why I'm taking time off right now to evaluate my options.