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Jet for Dean

As much as I would have like to have joined Vince at the Howard Dean fundraiser in Chicago this weekend, the timing wasn't right for me. I do, however, feel that Howard Dean represents me more closely than any other major presidential candidate since I began voting. Like Vince, I've decided to put my money where my mouth is, and today, after reading his candidacy speech, I made a contribution to his campaign.

This is a first for me. In the past, I haven't been a particularly politically active individual. Sure, I voted, and sure, I looked at the issues and listened to the soundbites and watched the news. This campaign, though, is different. The upcoming campaign is a major turning point in the history of this nation. Howard Dean stands for the nation that I want America to be, and the world that I want to live in. Never more so for our generation, one person and his values can make a difference to the entire world. We must take our country back.

PGP Signed Entry