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Okay, we've all heard about the SCO lawsuit against IBM and their claim that Linux stole code that SCO owns the rights to.

I'm going to take a step back here and not address the legal issues at all. I don't care what the law says in this case, because as far as my legally untrained ass can tell, the law is being manipulated for profit.

This whole case just stinks of a group of greedy bastards buying up some decrepit piece of code a couple of years back with the sole intent of suing everyone they could to make a quick and tidy profit. That seems to be SCO's (formerly Caldera) entire business plan. I mean, they certainly weren't any good at actually making and selling software.

This isn't a business plan. It's bullshit.

It's bullshit enabled by our overly litigious society, and its system of justice. SCO needs to be put in its place, and its executives put in jail for wasting our time and creating a media sensation out of bullshit.

I mean, here's the thing: even if all of SCO's claims under the law are true, I still hope they lose big time. Because where is this code going to go if SCO wins? No where. Absolutely NO WHERE. They're not going to develop it, they're not going to make anything but money for their greedy bastard executives. SCO must lose this case, regardless of the legal fine print.

Hail to open source. Sic semper tyrannis.

PGP Signed Entry