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The Evening's Conversation

I went out tonight with Kurtaaaro. It's been a little while since I've gone out on a Friday night, so it was a bit of a refreshing feeling. As he put it, all of the kiddies are gone for the summer, so it might actually be bearable. And indeed, it was. We ended up having a rather engaging conversation, some elements of which will keep my mind occupied for some time.

Some of these topics are things that I write about here, and which have some social, economic, or political bearing. A couple of days ago, I reserved a new domain name, directcurrent.org, as the next step in putting up a website dedicated to these more "serious" issues. I won't promise anything in terms of timeframe, but I'll make an announcement when that site is ready to go.

The main reason I'm doing this is because I believe there are some things that I would like to express, and some news and facts that I would like to provide in a more serious setting, without the distraction of the "personal" side of this blog. It was a difficult decision to go with this approach, because one of the things that I believe so strongly in is the need to develop a holistic understanding of everything that we encounter, not the least of which is individuals. Therefore, I felt it was important for me to write about as broad a range of topics as I could so that readers of my blog could, over time, receive a more complete understanding of my individualism. By separating the "serious" issues from the "personal" blog, I am putting my belief in the things that I want to address at directcurrent.org ahead of my belief that visitors to my web presence should be able to learn as much as they can about me in a single blog. But I feel this is an important step because I want to make sure that the messages and ideas that I am trying to convey at directcurrent.org aren't diluted by the more random ramblings of a personal blog.

So one of the first things that I'll be addressing over there is the conversation I had tonight with Kurtaaaro. Among the varied topics, we went over the future of privacy in the context of the greater society, and technology's role in this future. I hope to be able to elaborate more on this soon.

PGP Signed Entry


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» Why blog? from the golden path
Sometimes I find myself wondering why I bother writing a blog. Certainly I have already destroyed any chance at a political career, and I used to be a fairly private kind of person. So I thought about it and the... [Read More]


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