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I live in Fear

On September 11, 2001, I was scheduled to fly from Orange County (SNA) to London (LHR) via Chicago (ORD), then a day later, I was to continue on to Vienna (VIE). My flight was to depart southern California a few minutes after 2 in the afternoon. I don't have to tell you that I never made it to the airport that day.

But I was on United Airlines flight 1212 on September 19. When I boarded the Boeing 757, the captain explained that it was his first flight after the grounding of all commercial air traffic. He expressed his confidence and appreciation of our confidence. At the time, I thought nothing of it. After all, I was going to continue living my life.

So it is with great irony that I find myself in fear of the actions of my own government. I didn't stop traveling after terrorists used airplanes that I myself may have sat in only weeks before to commit a horrible atrocity. But I stand aghast as my government pursues a path of isolationism and aggression that I believe will ultimately benefit only a very small constituency amongst us.

I didn't hesitate to make plans, travel and otherwise, after September 11. Not for a moment. But right now, I'm afraid that if I make plans, they're going to be suddenly and horrifically interrupted by the specter of war. And I'm afraid that this country, built on such noble ideals as freedom, equality, and justice, has abandoned those foundations so that a very small number of people can hoard profit and power, hiding behind a false facade of security.

It is deplorable. I fear reading the news each day, trying to convince myself that I don't really need to know what moronic insult Secretary of War Rumsfeld has hurled out of that foul mouth this day. What feeble excuse to wage war President Bush is trying to feed a public he and his policy makers clearly believe are as simple and weak minded as himself. Does anybody out there buy this? Please!?!?

It is insulting. It is even demoralizing. I fear that the terrorists may win after all. But not for their effort. The sad irony is that my own government is playing directly into their hands. It is sad.

PGP Signed Entry