A Happy Entry, For Once
I've been thinking lately that those of you reading this over the ether who have never met me might get the wrong impression of me. In fact, I don't usually worry about this when I write, but every once in a while the thought crosses my mind. And today, the thought actually blossomed into action. I'll make you a deal: if you take a moment to think about the person behind the words that you read here, and everywhere else, I'll take a moment to think about the reader as I write the words.
Tonight's thought involves a little bit of fascination. A week ago, I was on an airplane flying over the Pacific Ocean from Tokyo to Chicago. Today I'm in Seattle. Next week, I'll be in Italy. Earlier tonight, I was in a place that has never existed except in the minds of the beholders, a place called Middle Earth. Before that, I was having my brains gouged out by having to watch Manos: the Hands of Fate. I have friends and family to share all this with. I'm healthy, and everywhere I go I'm able to find something interesting and fun and positive. You are able to read these words from thousands of miles away. People whom I'm never met; will never meet; will read these words. Moments after I click on the "save" button. If this doesn't fascinate you, it should. Think about it for a moment.
This is an awesome existence. Regardless of what your plans were when you were ten and where you are relative to that, regardless of what you think you should be doing right now, this is a pretty amazing time to be alive. Don't let the negative stuff get to ya. War, disease, death, yeah... sure, they're out there. They might even be close at hand. But who wins is the one that keeps hope alive even in the darkest night.
Manos...what an evil movie. I think it was the only movie that made me want to cry...for mercy.
Posted by: Your Insatiable One | January 6, 2003 1:14 PM