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I don't really believe too much in movie reviews because, frankly, I've found that like almost all other aspects of life, my preferences in movies are quite unlike what most reviewers and society in general seem to think I should like.

I have, therefore, no qualms whatsoever with disagreeing with a seemingly large number of negative reviews of Star Trek: Nemesis, the latest (last?) of the new generation movies. I thought this movie was excellent. There is one main reason for that, which you can read about if if continue reading. There will be spoilers in what is to come.

This movie was, up until the last scene with Data, an "OK" movie by all accounts. Its elevation from "OK" movie to one of the best I've seen took place in a span of about five seconds. In those five seconds, Data acknowledges the shocked captain, puts the emergency transporter on him, and says "goodbye" as Captain Picard vanishes into the safety of the ether. Seconds later, Data is killed in a moment of self-sacrifice.

No fifteen minute soliloquy, no stupid five minute scene where he calls home to say goodbye, no ridiculous one-liner as he presses the button, blah blah blah.

It felt right. I mean, for the first time I can remember in a major studio movie, the death scene of a major character amidst battle was exactly how it should be. Sudden, shocking, and over before you had time to react. Only later do you think about what transpired.

That one scene made this movie excellent.

PGP Signed Entry


Dude, the entire movie was a total remake of Star Trek II! I mean, that in itself makes it the best of the next generation movies, but still, there's something sadly desperate about that.

I enjoyed it though. and I agree with you about The Scene.

I have to agree that Data's sacrifice was good in the way you describe. However I wouldn't go so far as to agree it one of the best movies I've ever seen.

There were many shortcomings in story and Trek continuity which made me keep asking. "Why did they do that for crying out loud!"

I have a list, but I'll only touch on a few points I had major disagreement's with.

1. What was the whole point of Troi being mentally violated? Other than setting up the reason behind the "telepathic sonar" scene. It took away some of the dominant presence of the Shinzon character making him seem like some sick pervert that gets his rocks off mentally raping women. Plus since Shinzon was supposed to be a clone of Picard, this made little sense to the story. Is Picard a pervert too?

2. Why bother showing this huge "Scimitar" ship without showing it's ominous death weapon in action? They could have dramitically added to the audience suspense. Sure they showed the effects of the special radiation on the Romulan Senate. However imagine the scope added if it was used on a ship, a colony or a planet! This would make Shinzon seem more like a bad mamajama.

It would also make Data's sacrifice even more profound. So we see how bad this weapon is, imagine if the Scimitar weapon was aimed at Romulus or even Earth when Data shot the reactor?

3. Dramatic as it was. Data's space jump between ships made little sense. Most Federation shuttle craft have transporters. And even if the shuttle bay was out of commision, the Enterprise lifeboats could have gotten Data there faster.

4. If you are going send over a boarding party, try sending over more than a handful of people. The Scimitar was supposed to be 3 times the size of Enterprise. They could only spare 7 people to try to capture Picard? And what was the point of the one Remen breaking away from the group if only to setup a weak one on one fight with Riker. Anyone ever here of backup!

5. No scenes from the Betazoid wedding!!! Ah C'mon. Sure that would have been a little ackward to film granted. But they could have at least had a scene with the reception afterwards.

Nuff Ranting....

Anyway I will say the eye candy was traditionally stupendous as usual. I just wish the storyline was equally stupendous. If indeed this is the last "Next Generation" movie it ended an era with a wimper instead of a bang.

Those are pretty good comments. About the mind violation, I think the motivation was pretty well laid out when Shinzon said he'd never seen a human woman before and wanted to touch her hair. It's not necessarily that he's a pervert, but he's so completely... alone.

If a sequel is made, Data will be revived through some transporter malfunction.


Liked the comment about Data being revived in a transporter malfunction! They've done nearly that a couple of times, as I remember, once in particular with Dr. - Dr. - shoot, I'm drawing a blank. She replaced Crusher for a season.

So B4 gets into the transporter, beams, the computer uses Data's pattern, and Data is reborn. Probably too cheesy even for Star Trek (and I say that with great affection).

Star Trek-Nemesis was truly the best Trek I have seen since Deep Space Nine ended. Data made the supreme self-sacrifice to save not only his captain but the entire crew of the Enterprise-E. I was shocked when I first watched this scene play itself out. I only hope they do not cheapen it by resurrecting him like they did with Spock in STII.

The only good thing I can say about the movie is that is was entertaining. Thats about it..Tell me, how many decks does the enterprise have again?? The dispute between 24 to 26 in First Contact was hoarky, and everybody knew it was hoarky- but it was the first time introducing the new ship. In Nemesis we now learn that the enterprise has 29 decks- according to both data and worf. Maybe the director should have jumped into mr. peabodys way-back-machine and learned from the inconsistancies. Also why is it that the enterprise is the most advanced ship in the fleet, and with all its advanced weaponry- it along with 2 new state of the art warbirds only managed to inflict 30% damage to their primary shields.. For chirist sake- so much for the quantum torpedo aye?! Of course the movie would have been pointless I suppose if they blew the ship up in combat, but only taking their shields down to 70%..It sounds like they were throwing sticks at the scimitar- not phasers or torpedos.
I also didnt much care either for Data inmitating a torpedo either. Doesnt the enterprise have other ships on it- ones with transporters- were they all broken..Plus if Datas so advanced, why didnt he just give picard his proto type transporter before beaming over. Christ the android suposedly thinks millions of times faster than humans do right.. I guess what Im trying to say here is; if your gonna make a movie try to make the audience feel you put a little brainstorming into it ok..I give it a D grade, for dispapointing fans who were hoping for something half way enjoyable..At least the scimitar and valdore warbirds looked respectable..
There something positive.