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I've decided that the worst form of leeching, infestation dirt-bag scummery is the losers out there who don't have the balls to speed on their own so they wait for someone else to pass them and then tailgate them. You pathetic low-life cowards. Die. Just die.

PGP Signed Entry


When I was younger, I would speed up to see if they would continue to tail me. If they did, I would look for a spot in the right lane where there were 2 cars together, but with enough space for me in between. I'd then change lanes, which would force the guy to either keep speeding, or slow down. If things worked out nicely, there'll be another guy who speeds ahead, and asshole would tail him. If things work out really really nicely, asshole would continue speeding ahead and get pulled over - only happened twice to date tho.

This behavior pretty much stopped when one night, I started braking and asshole rear ended me. We pulled over, and he punched me, breaking open my lip.

Of course, now in Texas, you either belong to the group doing 80, or the group doing 65. You either have the balls or you don't - there doesn't seem to be any middle ground.

So one time I was driving to Champaign around midnight. I-57 was pretty empty, I was cruising around 70-75. This guy with his brights on pulls up to me in the passing lane and matches my pace. Stays right alongside me for awhile. I eventually get tired of it, speed up to around 90, put some distance between me and him, then went back to 75. Not long after, he comes back, brights glaring, pulls up alongside, and stays there. Repeat once. Next cycle, I slow down to 60 instead of speeding up, wait til he's beyond my sight, then go back to 75. I start /catching up/ to him. I'm thoroughly annoyed at this point, of course. Luckily another car soon passes both of us up and this guy starts tailing that car.