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Dirty Laundry

I do laundry about once every ten days, if that. I consider myself an average person in this regard. I mean, I wear a different change of clothes every day, and sometimes two if I do something athletic. I wash my towels and pillowcases with each load, and a little less often I wash my bedsheets. I separate my whites and colors, so when I do laundry I do two loads. If this is not "average," I'd kind of like to know. I have a roommate, who I think does laundry pretty much on a similar schedule to myself. So we're talking about running the laundry machines once every 5 days or so. Maybe twice a week at most.

In light of this, my neighbors upstairs, whom I've already mentioned, must be either the cleanest people on earth or are harboring about 5 or 6 illegal aliens up there. They do two loads of laundry 5 or 6 times a week. Of course, I wouldn't give half a damn about how often anybody does their laundry if they stayed out of my way. But somehow, these people just know every button to push. They run their washing machine at about 8 in the morning. White noise can't drown out the frequencies of a washing machine, unfortunately.

I mean, what the hell is going on up there? Do they soil their clothes like 5 times a day or something? It's incredible.

Anyhow, I'd like to know: how often do you do laundry? An answer in the form of x loads in y days is sufficient.

PGP Signed Entry


Perhaps they are using cloth diapers, and are washing them out themselves? Maybe they've only got a few sets, so they have to continuously wash them out??

Due to underwear and jean supplies, I wind up doing 1 load a week - I don't (and have never) seperate clothes. Whenever I do the bedding, that turns into 2 loads for that particular week.

I do laundry about once every two weeks. Sheets, towels, and whites account for two loads. One load cold and another load warm. That makes four loads. Maybe they have lots and lots of sex and wash their sheets every day.

Maybe they have poor bladder/bowel control and are constantly soiling their sheets like babies?

Anyway, I think I end up averaging 4/5 loads every two week or so: 1 white, 1 dark "light" (weight) clothes, 1 dark "heavy" clothes, 1 pants/shorts load & 1 special care/delicate load.

I do a minimum of one load a week. Two, depending on my clothes usage and load cycle.