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Escape from Alcatraz

At about 10 PM on Saturday night, just before Brad Mehldau took the stage at the Justice League in San Francisco, I commented to Tawen, "yesterday at this time, I wasn't even here yet, and tomorrow by this time, I'll be long gone." Indeed, I spent a total of only 37 hours in Frisco this weekend. Still, I think it's pretty amazing that someone is able to travel across the country and spend a weekend with their friends.

During my 37 hours, I got to try a California Burger, courtesy of Eunice and Bob. This "burger" consists of vegetable bits "mashed into a convenient medium" as Bob put it. It was pretty darn good. Also visited Alcatraz for the first time, which is really something different. My first impression when I arrived was what a beautiful place this prison had been located. I was even thinking how great it would have been to have been incarcerated there compared to some other prison. I mean, the place really is beautiful, with a beautiful view and the ocean breeze coming from the Golden Gate... darn near paradise really. But not too long into my stay, I decided that it would have been, indeed, the worst place to be locked up. To have all this beauty around you, and to see the busy ships coming to and from the ports, and to sometimes even hear the goings-on of daily life from San Francisco only a seemingly short distance across the bay... to have all this around you but have to see it from behind bars and walls... that is torture.

Anyhow, afterwards Cookie made us dinner at her place, and then it was off to Justice League for the show. Now I have to admit that I don't really follow jazz very closely, but I did enjoy the show. The speaker placement left something to be desired, however, as our view of the great pianist was blocked by huge speakers. Oh well. Can't hear great music and see it too, or something.

Unfortunately, the next morning it was back to the airport, onto another plane, across the ether and back to real life...

PGP Signed Entry


Those Trader Joe's california veggie burgers RULE!!! I'm glad I started the trend! Oh man, I want one right now... God, I love food.

Ahhhhhh, I bought five boxes of them today. Mmmmmmmmm. Maybe this will curb my cookie addiction.