Fair Warning
With the start of classes, I find myself back onto a fixed daily schedule for the first time since, well, the last time I was in school. It's kind of a strange adjustment.
In any case, I've also decided to pare down my blog entries to one or two a week, and to only make entries when I feel it necessary to update my friends on the goings on instead of ranting and raving about nonsense. I was thinking about the practice of blogging in general and I've decided that it's slowly taking me back to the days of spending all my time thinking and talking about living instead of actually living.
Stagnation, in other words. With my new schedule and decrease in free time, I believe it's a good idea to make the blog a far lower priority. So, as they say, you have been warned.
Interestingly, that's why I have no desire to start a blog. I've given up on introspection and over-analysis of the events in my life; just causes too much trouble. Besides, intern year would be painfully boring for anyone else to read about. How about a sample of the last four days of my life?
Worked from 8 PM to 9 AM. Went home, slept until 2 or so. Spent the next 6 hours dreading the return to work. Intersperse some workouts, and some small random errands and there you've got my week. Whee.
Well, good luck with school. Come visit me in Chicago sometime when you're free. Um. . .if I'm free, that is.
Posted by: worm | August 30, 2002 1:16 AM
I think I avoid introspection quite cleanly in my blog. I just try to have fun.
Posted by: yukino | August 30, 2002 2:09 PM