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Much to my surpise and amusement, there is an AJ Wingers at Purdue. Chaz and I enjoyed some of the sweet, caustic, radioactive goodness of some medium, with the requisite antidote teriyaki (petroleum sludge) to keep the stuff from burning a hole in our stomachs. Haven't had that stuff in years (ever since the one in Champaign was closed down by the health department). Yummy.


They *DO* exist. Perhaps a road trip is in order at some point...

Ah, Wingers. Only good thing about them is that they can clear a room. :)

hi~ found your page from chinadawls' page. i'm the chick making a face in the first pic. yes that's me, i guess i ruined the picture. anyhow, nice page, i guess i started writting a comment because i saw that you go to purdue? i got a couple friends that go there. one's a mutual friend of mine and jen's named WARREN. he's this little punkass kid who's half asian and half white. girls used to consider him cute in hs. and the other guy's name is reynaldo, this asian latino guy. just wondering, it would be a funny coincidence. anyhow, i'll stop taking up space. take care, and nice page. :) *jEn*