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Moving SUX

Having to move your own stuff instead of having the company-provided movers pack it all and move it for you really makes one think seriously about swearing off the accumulation of material possessions. I mean, seriously, I've now spent the last five months plus without the vast majority of my stuff, and you know what? I don't miss hardly any of it. In fact, give me my computer, my bed, and a small desk, with a broadband internet connection, and I think that's about all I need fro now on.

That said, here are some thoughts on my latest move:

  • Insight broadband has to be applauded for their incredible service. Placed the order on Friday, they said they'd install it on Monday between 5 and 7. Guy got here at 5:20, was done at 5:40. We have broadband. Hooray for companies that do what they say they're going to do. So rare today.
  • Kudos to Budget truck rental, for doing the exact opposite. They quoted $216 on the phone, but when I went to pick up the truck today they only charged me $103. I used to feel guilty about something like this, but not anymore. If the corporations screw up in their favor, it's way to hard to get it corrected (mainly because they have no incentive to correct their mistakes and that they're evil and are run by The Man) so when they screw up in my favor now, I consider it a small payback.
  • I am definitely no longer a stupid college kid when it comes to apartment hunting. When an apartment company cares so little about their (prospective) residents that they STAND YOU UP for an apartment showing... that says something to me. Namely that they suck! Apparently others don't think so though since they're one of the biggest apartment companies in town...
  • I'm going to have a roommate again, for the first time in years. This should be interesting.
  • Wireless is yummy.
  • Having your own washer and dryer rocks too.

More later. Time to sleep. On the floor. In a sleeping bag. But tomorrow... all that will change. Oh yes. My own bed. Mmmmmmmmmm...


Going minimalist seems more attractive all the time.

I will concur that in-unit laundry is the shiz-nit.

I have laundry in /my/ unit ... but I live in a house. Never mind.

Who's your roommate going to be? And congrats on getting in. My moving experience was exceedingly hairy, and I'm still recovering from it three months later. Gah. In the interest of minimalist living, however, I gave away the vast majority of my furniture and clothing before I started, which meant it wasn't as difficult as it could have been. *shudder*

Cookie apparently threw out something like 2 dumpsterful loads of stuff during this just finished move. Then I accompanied her to Goodwill where she gave away four big bags of stuff (and where I accidentally gave away one of my better pairs of boxer briefs!). Crazy.

I also just moved - I must agree with all sentiments previously posted. I think I threw away enough things to equal the annual output of a small country's GDP. I also donated about 6 large trash bags of old clothes.

Moving yourself does indeed suck, although it goes easier when the two people doing the moving are the two largest Chinese men in Chicago.