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Years catching up

If I wasn't sure I was gettin' old before I went to bed, I'm definitely sure of it now.

I used to like Papa John's pizza, and wolfing down most of a half-cold pizza, with the pepperocinis and slathered in concentrated flatulence (see column under "Garlic Sauce") after midnight while playing video games or doing homework was an afterthought. And I laughed at people who complained that it upset their stomachs the next day.

Specifically, I joked that they were getting old.

I woke up this morning with a tremendous tummy ache, which, after a lengthy visit to the restroom, feels better now. But I know the years are catching up. No more Papa John's for me.


Perhaps you've become lactose intolerant?

Nah, I was having a glass of milk a day in Shanghai. I think I'm becoming "nastay food intolerant" is more likely. I blame you, for making me aware of good steak and other fine foods.

Getting old sucks. :(