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I try to put only original content on the blog, but every once in a while a good one comes around and I can't resist... this one is from the friday five via shiggy.

1. Where were you born?
A city in the central part of Taiwan. If you don't already know the exact city, then you don't need to know. Something about drawing a line on privacy, sorry.

2. If you still live there, where would you rather move to? If you don't live there, do you want to move back? Why or why not?
I have not lived there since I was less than one year old. I do not have any particular desire to move back, though I've been back to visit a few times over the years. Because I left so early, I don't really have any attachment to the place.

3. Where in the world do you feel the safest?
On an airplane. This question is the reason I decided to violate my self-imposed policy of not answering "surveys" on my blog. If the answer surprises you, then no amount of explanation on my part will convince you so I won't even bother.

4. Do you feel you are well-traveled?
No. I've only been to a paltry 22 countries out of 192 (at present). 40 out of 50 US States (slightly more impressive). An utterly pathetic 33 out of 730 World Heritage Sites... Furthermore, I'm still almost 400,000 miles short of the Million Milestone. Sigh... so much more to see yet...

5. Where is the most interesting place you've been?
This is an extremely difficult question to answer. I was thinking about cheating and saying "the world" but you deserve better (all two of you who actually read this drivel). The truth is, I've been to many places which captivated my interest for one reason or another, and many many places which I'd categorize as interesting. There are many places that I'd like to return to, for every reason imaginable. But there's a place that I can't return to which wins this prize. Because even though the place still exists physically, I have changed since the only time I was there. So I could never return to the place I remember. It's a small campground near the entrance to Mt. Rushmore, and I'd arrived after a fierce rain. The clouds were parting and the sunset shone through. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


I was there!