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Okay. I've enabled comment posting for a trial period. If it goes okay, I'll keep it on.

Also, in case anyone's wondering, "CST" in the posts (except the first one, which is US Central Standard Time) means "China Standard Time," which is +0800 from GMT. Oh and feel free to point out spelling errors and grammar errors and nitpicky lame-time-wasting-i'm-a-loser-and-have-nothing-better-to-do-like-make-my-own-blog errors, but I won't correct them. It's kind of like how there's no instant replay in soccer... errors and bad officiating are part of the game. Well, errors are part of the blog.

Oh, and just to make sure this is clear, I don't think Shanghai is a bad place despite the traffic and all. In fact, I'd rather be here right now than just about anywhere in the United States. For example, on June 22, I will see Les Miserables on opening night here, starriing Colm Wilkinson. Can't do that anywhere else, now can we? And plus I don't have to worry about the Enroniban.


Okay, no, actually "CST" from the second post up to this one meant "China Standard Time plus two hours because Jet is a complete moron." But from this response onward, I promise, it will mean "China Standard Time."

In the first post, yes, it's "Central Daylight Time" blah.